Student project 2 – Bhavye Mathur



How I made it –

I made this on the 28th of May 2015 when I was in Dehli for a wedding . I used a 8 waste plastic bottles , a big box which is around 15 years old and was locked in the cupboard , a Amul butter box and the waste thermacol that my mother got with a showpiece . It took me 3 hours to make this changing plans again and again ! .

I made 8 holes on the long box and then put 8 bottle tops in them and then secured them with bottle caps from underneath.   Finally I came back to Bangalore with it and then cut square like pieces and attached them to the pascaline.

How it works  

The Pasculator can calculate up till 9,99,99,999 ( 9 crores 99 lakhs 99 thousand 9 hundred and 99 ) !!! Every bottle has ten  thermacol pieces which help it to calculate . There are numbers from 0 – 9 on the pieces . When need to calculate a sum.


Ex : 5 + 4 = ?

On the ones place of the calculator you put 5 as your number while on the others put 0 as the number . For adding 4 you need to turn the bottle 4 numbers higher so it’s like  ‘6 , 7 , 8 , 9’ .

9 will be your final answer .

What if there is a carryover ? In a carryover when the counting reaches on 0 or higher you need to go to the tens place and add a one .

Ex : 7 + 8 = ?

7 will be your number on the ones place and then you will count 8 like ‘ 8 , 9 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ‘ . The number has exceeded 0 so we put on ‘1’ in the tens place .

We get the answer as 1 in the tens place and 5 on the ones place which equals to 15 .


This machine can also subtract till 0 .

Ex : 17 – 13 = ?

On the tens place you will put 1 and 7 on the ones place , Then count down 3 on the ones place like ‘ 6 , 5 , 4 ‘ and then count down 1 in the tens place like ‘ 0 ‘ . Finally you will get the answer as 04 .

If there is a borrowing then you just have to remember 1 more step .

Ex : 27 – 19 = ?

You will put 27 as your starting number and then take out 9 from the ones place like ‘ 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 , 0 , 9 , 8 ‘ you get 8 . Your final step is to take away 1 from the tens place .

There , you get 18 as your answer .

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