- The Transfer request needs to be addressed to the School Principal- to commence the withdrawal process. Kindly note that both parents/ legal guardians of the student need to be marked on this email . It cannot be issued without the agreement of both parents.
- Parents are required to intimate us of discontinuing schooling at Deens for the next academic year by end of January. Failure to intimate regarding withdrawal for the next academic session by the 30th of January, will make the parent liable to pay the 1st term fee of the next academic session.
- Transfer Certificates (TC) and Bonafide certificates will be issued 10 days after written request is made to the Principal ( with a copy to the Admissions office (
- The Transfer Certificate will be issued on payment of Rs. 200/- after dues towards the school have been cleared.
- In case the child is being withdrawn in the middle of the academic session, the whole year’s tuition and transport fees (if applicable) have to be remitted before the TC can be issued.
- Before TC is collected it is mandatory to deposit student and parent id card of the the withdrawing student to the school.
- For obtaining any other certificate from school, kindly make a written requisition along with a payment of Rs. 50/-
- Incase parents need to make the payment online they can remit the amount into the fees account of the branch their ward is in and share the transaction details with the Admin Officer( to process your request for the certificate( Bonafide)