
Deen-a-logue August-September 2022

“Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom.” ― Albert Einstein
Our students of Middle school showcased many activities from #azadikaamritmahotsav2022 ,treks, events, thoughts and experiments in the Newsletter Deen-a-logue- August-September- 2022

Click on the image to download PDF



As an organization Deens Academy is tied by the class numbers we would like to maintain.

Most of our grades in all campuses run full capacity at all times and our admissions to all grades are primarily replacement seats which will be filled as and when vacancies are registered due to withdrawal or transfers are requested from the previous grade.

Kindly note that based on previous experience of 5 years we do not foresee any seats being available for the following grades because of which there are no waitlist forms available for the same.

LKG at KiDeens Borewell road

UKG at KiDeens Gunjur

* Toddlers at KiDeens Borewell road & KiDeens Ramagondanahalli ( it will open on 1st March 2024)

Here are some details for the waitlist form

  1. Kindly add a likely address/area where you are likely to reside in June2022
  2.  If you have a sibling of the applicant who is  also getting wailisted please mention this in remarks column do interactions can be planned simultaneously if possible. Please add these details in both forms
  3. If the applicant misses age criteria by few days, please mention this in remarks so that we can contact you for instructions on how form will get filled.

Kindly click on the relevant campus to access the forms

CBSE SENIOR SECONDARY WHITEFIELD CAMPUS ( open for selected streams without Psychology and Design )


DEENS PU COLLEGE GUNJUR  ( Applications are available online)

KIDEENS BOREWELL ROAD ( we have closed it as we received too many requests) 

KIDEENS RAMAGONDANAHALLI ( we have closed it as we received too many requests) We still have a few playgroup and LKG seats ..kindly write to admissions@deensacademy.com for details 



Principals Professional Achievements


Teacher at Bhavan’s Rajaji Vidyashram, Chennai (1987-89)

  • Teaching English for middle school
  • Created spoken English curriculum for kindergarten
  • Created handwriting books for primary school

Teacher at Jubilee Hills Public School, Hyderabad (1989-1990)

  • Teacher of English for middle and high school

Coordinator at the CMR National Public School, Bangalore (1998-2004)

  • Served as event coordinator and academic assistant to Vice Principal
  • Undertook remedial English classes for middle and high school

Founder Principal of Gopalan International School (2004-2006)

  • Set up the school from grassroots, inducting staff, scripting policies, undertaking marketing
  • She has to her credit the distinction of writing the curriculum and setting up the academic standard for this institution

Currently, Founder Principal of Deens Academy, Bangalore (2006)

  • As the founder, has been seminal in the development of Deens Academy since its inception
  • Handles all administrative responsibilities
  • Created an indigenous curriculum for the school
  • Has created teacher training modules and has been training teaching and non-teaching staff
  • Revolutionised the classroom teaching process –embraced differentiated learning and individual learning programmes
  • Has developed an indigenous curriculum for Life skills, Work experience and general knowledge for the students of Deens Academy
  • Chartered a growth plan that blends values, ethics, academics, physical education, art education and attitude
  • Has constituted a three-way enhancement channel between school, parent and child through an open door policy
  • Has been instrumental in implementing an internet-based, customised software for regular parent-teacher interaction and student updates.

Created and set up two Kindergarten feeder campuses for KiDeens Borewell road and KiDeens Ramagondanahalli

Founding Principal of Deens Academy Gunjur- 2015

Founding Director of Deens PU College Gunjur 2019

Principal’s Awards and Recognition

Awards to our School Principal Ms Shanthi Menon

  • ‘50 Top Effective Principal’s award ‘– On 14th Sep 2019 conferred by Education World & July 2020
  • ‘Iconic Leader Creating A Better World’ – Conferred on 25th July by the Women’s Economic Forum.
  • ‘Principal Par Excellence’ – The Teachers Day Awards 2018 by the International Institute of Hotel Management (IIHM)
  • ‘Life Time Education Achievement Award in School Development, 2018’ – National School Award 2018, Delhi
  • ‘SHINING STAR AWARD’ by ABHINANDANA 2018 – on 1st May 2018 for achieving success through Professional Excellence in the field of Education – An initiative of International School of Business and Research (ISBR) in association with ELCIA & PRCI –SHRAMA Awards to Women Achievers by Men of Distinction.
  • ‘Life Time Education Achievement Award, 2015’ – International Institute of Education and Management, Delhi
  • Winner in the category of Vision and Leadership – 2014 – 2015 presented by IBCI School Brilliance Awards 2015
  • ‘Ideal Principal Award 2015’ by Akhil Bharatiya Nagrik Vikas Kendra, Aurangabad
  • She has again been honoured with ‘Ideal Principal Award 2014’ by Akhil Bharatiya Nagrik Vikas Kendra, Aurangabad.
  • Shanthi is also the recipient of the ‘Chanakya Award for The Best Principal 2013, jointly presented to her by Education World and The Bangalore School.
  • In April 2013, Ms. Menon was conferred the Women Leadership & Innovation Awards in the category of education, from the International Women Leadership Forum.
  • Has the honour of being conferred with an Award for Education Excellence 2011 from the Economic Development Forum and the Indian Achievers Forum, New Delhi.
  • She has also been honoured with ‘Ideal Principal Award 2011’ by Akhil Bharatiya Nagrik Vikas Kendra, Aurangabad.
  • Shanthi has been honoured with an award of recognition for her contribution to society, on the occasion of Womens’ Day, 2011, by His Excellency Dr Joseph V G, Honorary Counsel of the Republic of Maldives in Bangalore in partnership with The Garden City College, Bangalore.

Awards received by the Deens Academy under her Leadership

  • Award in the category of ‘Attention to Students’ – 2019 from Education Today
  • Deens Academy, Gunjur campus received the award for Upcoming School of the Year – National School Award 2018, Delhi
  • The Deens Academy Ranked No.1 in India under the Top CBSE Parameter for‘Academic Reputation` in a survey conducted by EducationToday – India`s School Merit Awards, 2018
  • Assocham – Parent of School Innovation Awards, 2017 – presented Deens Academy with the Jury Choice award in the category of Parent Engagement (Jury) CBSE
  • Education Today – India’s School Merit – 2016 – 17 – At the 4th National School Merit Awards and Conference on K12 leadership , The Deens Academy was ranked No. 10 in India, No. 3 in Bangalore and No. 3 in Karnataka in the category of the top 10 CBSE schools in India
  • First Runner – Ignite your minds – The Leadership Event – Quest 2015 – Organised by Global Awareness Program (GAP)
  • ‘School Excellence Awards – Top 20 CBSE Schools’ in 2015 present by Brainfeed in recognition of School vision and mission in imparting life changing learning opportunities and pre-eminence as a beacon of change for the future generation
  • Awarded ‘India’s Top 20 CBSE Schools in 2015 – Ranked No. 3 in Bangalore and Ranked No. 10 in India for exemplary contribution to the Education Field’ presented by Education Today
  • Winner in the category of Vision and Leadership – 2014 – 2015 presented by IBCI School Brilliance Awards 2015
  • ‘Best School Award – 2014’ by Akhil Bhartiya Nagrik Vikas Kendra (All India Citizens Development Centre)
  • Sirigannada Prakashana Chitradurga Certificate for School 2013 for the Best School Award in the State Level

As Speaker and Presenter

Shanthi Menon has presented papers on various education related subjects including assessment and technology in classrooms, at various national and international forums.

  • Speaker at the symposium on perspectives on e-schooling, jointly organized by Columbia Global Centre| Mumbai and the U.S. Embassy’s American Centre in New Delhi March 2021
  • Speaker for IIHM on Inclusive Quality Education in Jan2021
  • Hosted a panel discussion on Policies, Practices & Threats to School in Current Times, in the 8th National Conference, hosted by Education Today-Jan’2021.
  • Anchored the segment on Honing appropriate skills to build competencies for future readiness at the 26th Annual National Sahodaya Schools Conference -Dec 2020
  • Demystifying NEP at Athasri-Oct 2020
  • Purposeful Student Engagement in conference hosted by IIEM-Oct 2020
  • Speaker on conference held by EduTV Dec’2020
  • Speaker at the educational conference organised by Garden City College on NEP , Oct, 2020
  • Panel speaker on Virtual Teaching Skills conducted by Learngage- June2020
  • Speaker at the Women’s Economic Forum July 2020
  • Academic Leadership Summit 2020
  • Speaker at ELDROK- Indian K12 Award 2019
  • 4th National Education conference on k12 Leadership 2016
  • IDA connect speaker collaborative learning in the connected age -2016
  • World Education Summit -2013

Papers Presented

  • High stake assessments – Education World 2020
  • Tuition by Teachers- Education World 2019


We foresee that online classes are going to be the norm for a while now and therefore we request your support in enabling your ward’s learning. At Deens, it is our endeavor to stimulate a normal school day for the children incorporating co-curricular activities in the most effective way possible as per the class time table.

To facilitate virtual learning at Deens we are using the application offered by Microsoft Teams. Each student is provided with a unique email address for the Teams app. and the link for download and steps to install this App.

Student attendance will be taken each period by the facilitator and parents will be notified of the absence of their child. Please note that there will be no repetition of each class, in case a child is absent. We will not enable recording of classes, either.

To facilitate a smooth functioning of the virtual classrooms we request the following online etiquette to be followed by the students and their caregivers.

Virtual classroom space

  1. The Student needs to be seated in a dedicated study space for the duration of the virtual class, with no distractions or access to any other persons. 
  2. Students are requested to maintain silence and not disrupt the class when the session is on. They also need to keep audio and video is on during the session unless requested otherwise by the facilitator. 
  3. Students are expected to use headphones mandatorily, so that there is minimum distraction to them. We advise this over earphones.

Virtual classroom attendance

  1. The classes will be as per the time table, for a duration of 35 minutes and there is a gap of  10 minutes between periods, so that the student can attend to any personal needs, do a quick recap of the previous class independently , and set up for the next period. For students who have classes beyond 12.15 pm, a short lunch break has been factored in.
  2. Attendance is taken for each period by the facilitator. Students are expected to login into each class a few minutes before the scheduled start time of the class. Once the class commences, no student will be permitted to enter the classroom.
  3. Should there be a glitch during a particular class session, the teacher is instructed to end the meeting and set a new class for later on the same day or for the upcoming Saturday of that week.
  4. Parents will need to send a note to the class teacher, in case of technical issues/ absence due to other reasons.

Virtual classroom Decorum

  1. Students are expected to login into each class a few minutes before the scheduled start time of the class. 
  2. Once the class commences, no child will be permitted to enter the classroom. 
  3. Students to keep all books and school supplies handy and organized, timetable wise, to avoid disruptions during class.
  4. Students will not eat/snack during class hours. Water bottles are allowed in the class though
  5. Students are expected to be dressed formally for class sessions. Night clothes and attire that is listed as unacceptable in our policy documents are to be avoided. 

Interaction with teachers during virtual classrooms


  1. Students shall avoid asking rude questions. They need to listen and not interrupt when someone is answering. 
  2. Students shall not annotate unless specifically asked to


Medium of instruction and communication is English except in language classes

  1. Use of regional/ international languages will be restricted to language classes only
  2. Students will use formal language through the online sessions
  3. Use of abusive/invective language during sessions will result in removal of student from the  class/session

Please note:  Parents are not permitted to interact with their ward or the teacher, while the class is on. In case there is any concern it be communicated through email or ERP portal with the teacher/ Headmistress / Vice Principal/ School Principal.

Homework and Submissions 

  1. Students shall submit their assessments/homework on time.
  2. Late submissions will result in marks being deducted.
  3. Notebook work is facilitated through the Microsoft teams portal, so the facilitator will check the progress of the students notebook work. 
  4. Physical notebooks and workbooks will be reviewed when school opens. 
  5. For Lab experiments, the teacher will demonstrate the experiments and children are expected to record the same in their notebooks. They may even be asked to conduct home assignments and experiments with materials available at home.


  1. Students are expected to adhere to all the norms mentioned for the online classes. Failure to do so will entail the following :
  2. First instance  – warning/ removal from meeting/session depending on the issue
  3. Marks will be deducted if deviant behavior continues post 3 warnings.

Presentations under the Guidance of Professor Ramani

Welcome to Deens Academy  Science Day Presentations under the guidance of Professor Ramani

Students of Grades 7,8 and 9 explored the varied subjects of Genetics and Advances in Transportation under the able guidance of Professor Ramani.

By clicking on the photographs or links below you can view further details on the presentation by the individual students in each of the topics .


From Genetics to Genetic Engineering 





Advances in Transportation



The slide presentations are the items on the main menu – don’t miss them!

Some of the presentations have been made using Microsoft PowerPoint and others using Google Slides.

Some suggestions for easy viewing on Laptops

  1. After you click on a presentation’s listing, you will see a thumbnail sketch of the presentation just below the listing. Click on the thumbnail sketch.
  2. If you see “Open With” at the top, click on it and select Google Slides. This will help you use the “Page Down” and “Page Up” buttons on the keyboard to go smoothly from one slide to another.
  3. If you see “Presentation” in the top right corner, click on it. You will get a larger presentation.
  4. Use the “Page Down” button on the keyboard to move from one slide to the next.
  5. After you have seen the last slide, click on “ESC” to come out of the presentation you were watching. Close the window associated with that presentation.
  6. Now you can click on the next presentation and see that.

Transfer Certificates (TC) issued

TCs Issued for Academic year 2023-24 

Grade 1-9  TC Issued for academic year  2023-24

Grade 10 TC issued for academic year 2023-24 

Grade 12 TC issued for the academic year 2023-24 

TCs issued for Academic year 2022-23

Grade 10- 2022-23

Grade 12-2022-23 

Grade 1-9 and 11 -2022-23

Link to download TC  for Grades 1-9 and Grade 11 

TCs issued for Academic year 2021-22

Grade 1-10 -2021-22   

Link to download TC

TCs issued for the Academic year 2020-21

Link to download TC

TCs issued for the Academic year 2019-20

Link to download TC

TCs issued for Academic year 2018-2019


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Poems by -Mridvika.K

The Misty Little Moon

She sits there pretty,

She sits there bright,

She shines there like a gem

In the dark night sky.


But hear her utter,

Not a single word.

She sits there very grave,

Always in a pensive mood.


Her tiny little cousin,

Sits by her side.

Too lazy to move,

Never a speech bubble between them in our sight.


Oh, how mysterious,

How mysteriously grave!

But then she must be tired,

For a light road she paved!


She sits there pretty,

She sits there bright,

She shines there like a gem,

In the dark night sky.


The Little Wayside Trees


The old oak sits there,

While the young lemon sits here.

And everywhere I look,

Well I see ‘em everywhere


The fresh tamarind seems,

To light up the whole sky.

When I climb to the top branch,

It’s luxury in disguise.


Better than McDonalds,

Is a mango tree.

Better than KFC,

Is a fragrant frangipane.


It’s better than the best,

Oh, lush greenery.

But best of all is,

My old oak tree.