Ms. Tina Sebastian
(Head Mistress: Senior Secondary School)
The Deens Academy, ECC Road, Whitefield.
Phone: +918028454464
Known for her warm sunny disposition Ms Tina Sebastian is a sought-after colleague, mentor, and friend for all those who interact with her. She has been a valuable member of the Deens Family for a decade now.
Ms Tina holds a MPhil in Development Economics from Jawaharlal Nehru University and imparts this subject to students of middle and high school. She is well known for ensuring children are kept upto date with current affairs and case studies which equips them and provides them with a firm foundation for a career in commerce in the future. Her patient understanding and encouragement has made her a popular influencer for long term engagement with students within and beyond school. Therefore she maintains the database for Allumni at Deens Academy.
Being incharge of a section of students who are transitioning into adulthood she guides her students to be problem solvers offering them opportunities and programs that equips them for jobs that haven’t yet been created.